How do I cancel my membership?

Simply log in to your account and click on the "Help" tab or the “Profile” tab. Then click the "Cancel Membership" link, and follow the instructions provided. You may also request to cancel by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling our Customer Service Team at 1-800-869-5597. We will process your cancellation right away.

As a member, you can cancel your program membership in three ways:

  • Log in to the program website at, visit the “Help” tab or the “Profile” tab, click the “Cancel Membership” link, and follow the instructions
  • Call Customer Service toll-free at 1-800-869-5597 and ask to cancel
  • Send a cancellation request by email to [email protected].

The final date that you can access your membership benefits and the final billing charge you see on your credit or debit card account will vary, depending on your membership term and your cancellation date:

  • If you cancel a monthly membership, you won’t see any membership fees charged to your account after the date of your cancellation request. All cancellation requests are effective immediately, so there is no need to worry about giving a 30 or 7-day notice. You can continue to access your member benefits through the final day of the last 30-day period for which you paid a membership fee.
  • If you cancel an annual membership before your annual renewal period, your cancellation will take effect immediately, but you can claim a prorated portion of your annual membership fee. If you cancel during the renewal period, you won’t see any membership fees charged to your account after the date of your cancellation request.

For your convenience, your membership will automatically renew each month or year; you must contact the program to cancel your membership.

No matter how or when you do so, cancelling your membership is simple: won’t make any attempt to talk you out of your decision to cancel.

If you need assistance or have any further questions, please feel free to contact us here.